With Flash in hot water for being such a resource hog, Microsoft started to develop its own proprietary media SDK, with blackjack and hookers. Having portable Java and portable Flash, you should also have Microsoft Silverlight running without installation.
Portable Silverlight installs without administrator privileges, which is especially important if you’re not a privileged user on the computer, such as at work or at school.
First, download Microsoft Silverlight SDK from the official site. This is a link for 3.0 and this is a link for 4.0.
Now use 7Zip or Winrar on the silverlight_sdk.exe to extract two files. Now use the archiver once again on the silverlight_sdk.cab.
From the extracted .cab file, copy the following files:
agcore.dll coreclr.dll Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll mscorlib.dll mscorrc.dll npctrl.dll npctrlui.dll Silverlight.Configuration.exe Silverlight.ConfigurationUI.dll slr.dll.managed_manifest SlSvcUtil.exe System.Core.dll system.dll System.Net.dll System.Runtime.Serialization.dll System.ServiceModel.dll System.ServiceModel.Web.dll System.Windows.Browser.dll System.Windows.dllSystem.Xml.dll
Please note, that Silverlight 4 SDK doesn’t have Silverlight.Configuration.exe and Silverlight.ConfigurationUI.dll, so ignore them.
Copy these files to the plugins directory of your browser. For Firefox Portable, the folder is FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins\.
Restart the browser, and go to any Silverlight-enabled site to test it.
You can download Portable Silverlight here (password:easylife). Just unpack the archive to the plugins directory of your browser.
Unfortunately, the trick doesn’t work with Silverlight 5.0. Perhaps some more files are needed for the newer version to run.