There is problem with this drive

So you attach an external hard-drive, thumb drive, memory card or a player to you Windows PC, and an error pops out.
There is problem with this drive. Scan the drive and fix it now.

In my case this usually happens after I disconnect my USB hard-drive from PS3 after media transfer. If you let Windows fix the problem, unfortunately, it will not go away and will nag and nag you again and again. For a longer term solution, you will have to open an elevated command prompt and type the following command:
chkdsk h: /f
H is the disk letter, in my case H, but you should take the correct drive letter out of the error message, in this case F: The next important parameter is /f – this forces Windows to stop nagging you about this error for a while. Wait till the check finishes and that’s it. You can now disconnect the drive, and the error should not appear on next reconnect.

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