So you have forgotten the password to your Instagram account and try to reset it by sending a link to the connected email or alternatively there’s a security roadblock asking you to enter some code that Instagram sends to your email. The problem is those emails don’t arrive.
There is no point waiting for more than two minutes there is no point searching in spam and other folders there is no point nagging your email provider asking why Instagram emails don’t come through and unfortunately there’s absolutely no dice contacting Instagram support who is owned by Facebook and both of them are owned by meta because meta is a fine example of how inefficient a company with almost infinite supply of money and meta and Facebook are one of the richest companies in the world so that’s a fine example of how inefficient the richest companies can become meta Facebook and Instagram don’t care about their customers and the common excuse is we provide a free service to our customers a free service to customers means that the customer is the product so to fix this issue with Instagram we actually have to go to Facebook it doesn’t matter if your Instagram and Facebook accounts are linked in this case they are not but you still need any Facebook account so go to your Facebook account click on your profile picture click on settings and privacy privacy being a very funny term because we are talking about Facebook and Instagram anyway there select settings and when you’re in settings go to security and login scroll down until you see the setting up extra security section enable get alerts about unrecognized log-ins option there enable notifications and click on add email address here you have to add the same email address that you use as your Instagram login after that Facebook will send a code to this email and in this case it will arrive in about 2 minutes copy the code and confirm the email in Facebook settings so in Facebook settings you have to enable the feature which is called get alerts about unrecognized logins enable notifications so click on get notifications and tick the box get email alerts at the email address that you use for your Instagram now go back to Instagram and click on forgot password enter the same email address that you use for Instagram login that we have just entered as a suspicious login notification to Facebook settings this time around the email from Instagram will be delivered because Instagram uses Facebook servers to send out their emails in this email you can either change your password or just try to log in in this example we will click the login link and again we are stumbled at the roadblock that asks for a security code to be sent to the email click the send button wait a couple minutes and this time around the code from instagram will finally arrive so you can copy and paste it to the Instagram login page and now how a 90s TV hacker would say i’m in