How to switch Windows proxy fast

Windows has long been criticized for its increasingly complex and inefficient interface, especially when it comes to accessing essential settings. With each new version, Microsoft seems to introduce more unnecessary clicks, deeper menus, and excessive scrolling just to access basic features. This issue has become particularly noticeable in Windows 11, where even simple actions require extra steps.

One frustrating example of this trend is the right-click context menu. In Windows 10 and earlier versions, you could access the full menu instantly. However, in Windows 11, the default right-click menu is limited, requiring additional clicks to reveal the full set of options. This is just one example of how productivity is sacrificed for the sake of questionable design changes.

The Struggle of Managing Proxy Settings in Windows 10 and 11

For many users, proxy settings are a “set it and forget it” feature. If your internet connection requires a proxy, you enable it once and leave it on. In many cases, proxy settings are automatically configured, meaning users rarely need to adjust them. However, for a significant number of users—especially laptop users—toggling the proxy on and off is a daily necessity.

Consider this scenario: You have a company-issued laptop. When connected to your office’s Ethernet network, a proxy is required. But when you switch to the company Wi-Fi or work from home, no proxy is needed. This means you must turn the proxy on and off multiple times a day. The same applies to students who may need a proxy in their dorm but not in class or at a coffee shop.

Unfortunately, Windows does not make this process easy. In Windows 10, you have to navigate through the settings menu, scroll down, and manually toggle the proxy on or off. Windows 11 removes the need for scrolling but still requires multiple clicks to reach the toggle. A simple task that should be a quick toggle in the taskbar tray instead requires unnecessary effort.

A Simple Workaround: Using Batch Files to Toggle Proxy Settings

If you’re tired of going through multiple steps every time you need to toggle your proxy, there’s a simple solution: batch files. A batch file is a small script that runs commands automatically when clicked. By creating two batch files—one for turning the proxy on and one for turning it off—you can streamline the process.

How to Create the Batch Files

Open Notepad

Create the “Proxy On” Batch File

Copy the necessary command to enable the proxy (this involves modifying a registry setting).

reg add “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings” /v ProxyEnable /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

start /min ms-settings:network-proxy

taskkill /IM SystemSettings.exe /f


Save the file as proxy_on.bat (make sure to select “All Files” in the save dialog instead of “Text Documents”).

Create the “Proxy Off” Batch File

Copy the command to disable the proxy.

reg add “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings” /v ProxyEnable /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

start /min ms-settings:network-proxy

taskkill /IM SystemSettings.exe /f


Save the file as proxy_off.bat.

Place the files on your desktop

Now, whenever you need to toggle the proxy, just double-click the respective file.

Since these files modify the user registry (not system settings), you don’t need administrative privileges to use them. This makes them ideal for users with restricted access, such as those using company-issued laptops.

Download ready-made files click here

Enhancing the Experience: Running the Scripts Minimized

By default, batch files open a command prompt window when executed, which can be distracting. While Windows does not allow batch files to run minimized directly, you can work around this limitation by:

Creating a Shortcut for each batch file.

Opening the Shortcut Properties and selecting “Run Minimized.”

Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts (e.g., Ctrl + Alt + P for enabling the proxy and Ctrl + Alt + O for disabling it).


While Windows 11 continues to make accessing essential settings unnecessarily complicated, simple workarounds like batch files can save you time and frustration. With this solution, toggling proxy settings becomes a one-click operation instead of a tedious multi-step process. These batch files have been tested on both Windows 10 and 11 and work flawlessly without requiring admin rights, making them a convenient tool for both corporate and personal use.

For the exact batch file commands, visit my website by clicking the link in the video description. This simple hack has saved me time and effort for over two years, and I hope it helps you too!

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